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<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Subjects who have significant history of alcohol, marijuana, or other drug abuse and evidence of depression, mania, hypomania, dysthymia or psychosis should be asked this section Does this section apply to subject IF NO, Skip to SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR ca_int N radio 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown - -
COMORBIDITY CARD ca_diag N checkbox 1, Emotional/thinking difficulties always occurred first | 2, Alcohol/drug abuse always occurred first | 3, Emotional/thinking difficulties and alcohol/drug abuse always occurred at the same time | 4, No strict pattern (sometimes emotional/thinking difficulties first, sometimes alcohol/drugs first | 5, Emotional thinking difficulties and alcohol/drug abuse always occurred independently | 6, Not clear - -
1. Think about the first time you had any of these problems.Which came first? ca_1 N radio 1, Mood change/psychotic symptoms occurred first | 2, Alcohol/drug abuse occurred first | 3, Mood changes/psychotic symptoms and alcohol/drug abuse occurred at the same time | 4, Not clear - -
1a. Mood changes/psychotic symptoms occurred first: Did you have (mood changes/psychotic symptoms) right before you started using (alcohol/drugs) heavily? ca_1a N radio 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown - -
1a1. If yes: For how long did you have(mood changes/psychotic symptoms) right before you started using (alcohol/drugs) heavily ca_1a1_days N text - in Days -
1a1. If yes: For how long did you have(mood changes/psychotic symptoms) right before you started using (alcohol/drugs) heavily ca_1a1_weeks N text - in Weeks -
1b. Alcohol/Drugs occurred first Were you using (alcohol/drugs) heavily right before you had (mood changes/psychotic symptoms)? ca_1b N radio 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown - -
1b1. If yes: For how long were you using (alcohol/drugs) heavily right before your (mood changes/psychotic symptoms) began ca_1b1_days N text - in Days -
1b1. If yes: For how long were you using (alcohol/drugs) heavily right before your (mood changes/psychotic symptoms) began ca_1b1_weeks N text - in Weeks -
2. Tell me which statement on the card best characterizes these episodes HAND COMORBIDITY CARD TO SUBJECT If 1, Skip to question 4 If 2, Ask question 3, but skip 4 If 5, Skip to SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR ca_2 N radio 1, 1. Emotional/thinking difficulties always occurred first | 2, 2. Alcohol/drug abuse always occurred first | 3, 3. Emotional/thinking difficulties and alcohol/drug abuse always occurred at the same time | 4, 4. No strict pattern | 5, 5. Emotional/thinking difficulties and alcohol/drug abuse always occurred independently | 6, 6. Not clear - -
3. Have your (Mood/Psychotic) episodes ever continued after you stopped using (Alcohol/Drugs) heavily? ca_3 N radio 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown - -
3a. If yes: What was the longest time a (Mood/Psychotic) episode ever continued after you stopped using (Alcohol/Drugs)? ca_3a_days N text - in Days -
3a. If yes: What was the longest time a (Mood/Psychotic) episode ever continued after you stopped using (Alcohol/Drugs)? ca_3a_weeks N text - in Weeks -
4. Did you ever continue to use (Alcohol/Drugs) heavily after your (Mood/Psychotic) episode stopped? ca_4 N radio 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown - -
4b. If yes: What was the longest you used (Alcohol/Drugs) heavily after a (Mood/Psychotic) episode stopped? ca_4a_days N text - in Days -
4b. If yes: What was the longest you used (Alcohol/Drugs) heavily after a (Mood/Psychotic) episode stopped? ca_4a_weeks N text - in Days -
Notes: commorbidity_assessmentcsv_notes Y notes - - -
