Display | Field | Phi | Field type | Condition choices | Field note | Header | |
Do you have a family? _x000D_ "Family" is one or more persons (related or unrelated to you) that you consider as family. | faces_havefam | N | radio | 1, Yes | 2, No | - | - | |
1. Family members are supportive of each other during difficult times | faces_1 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | Describe your family | |
2. In our family, it is easy for everyone to express his/her opinion | faces_2 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
3. It is easier to discuss problems with people outside the family than with other family members. | faces_3 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
4. Each family member has input regarding major family decisions. | faces_4 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
5. Our family gathers together in the same room. | faces_5 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
6. Children have a say in their discipline. | faces_6 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
7. Our family does things together. | faces_7 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
8. Family members discuss problems and feel good about solutions. | faces_8 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
9. In our family, everyone goes his/her own way. | faces_9 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
10. We shift household responsibilities from person to person. | faces_10 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
11. Family members know each other's close friends. | faces_11 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
12. It is hard to know what the rules are in our family. | faces_12 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
13. Family members consult other family members on personal decisions. | faces_13 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
14. Family members say what they want. | faces_14 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
15. We have difficulty thinking of things to do as a family. | faces_15 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
16. In solving problems, the children's suggestions are followed. | faces_16 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
17. Family members feel very close to each other. | faces_17 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
18. Discipline is fair in our family. | faces_18 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
19. Family members feel closer to people outside the family than to other family members. | faces_19 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
20. Our family tries new ways of dealing with problems. | faces_20 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
21. Family members go along with what the family tries to do. | faces_21 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
22. In our family, everyone shares responsibilities. | faces_22 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
23. Family members like to spend their free time with each other. | faces_23 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
24. It is difficult to get a rule changed in our family. | faces_24 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
25. Family members avoid each other at home. | faces_25 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
26. When problems arise, we compromise. | faces_26 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
27. We approve of each other's friends. | faces_27 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
28. Family members are afraid to say what is on their minds. | faces_28 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
29. Family members pair up rather than do things as a total family. | faces_29 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
30. Family members share interests and hobbies with each other. | faces_30 | N | radio | 0, Almost Never | 1, Once in Awhile | 2, Sometimes | 3, Frequently | 4, Almost Always | - | - | |
Notes | faces_notes | Y | notes | - | - | - |