Display | Field | Phi | Field type | Condition choices | Field note | Header | |
1a. Did you ever have a period when you felt extremely good or high, clearly different from your normal self? (Was this more than just feeling good?) | mh_1a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
1b. Did you ever have a period when you were unusually irritable, clearly different from your normal self so that you would shout at people or start fights or arguments? <u>If yes to 1.a and 1.b, skip to question 1.e</u> | mh_1b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
1c. Have you ever had periods lasting even a day or two when you felt unusually cheerful, irritable, energetic or hyper? | mh_1c | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
1e. If any yes to quesyions 1a-d: Did this last persistently throughout the day or intermittently for two days or more? | mh_1e | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
1f. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Do you suspect a past or current episode from subject's responses, behavior, or other information? | mh_1f | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
1d. Have there been times when you felt much more energetic than usual and needed less sleep than usual? | mh_1d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Probe for additional symptoms if necessary | probe_for_additional_sympt | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER, MANIC | mh_diag_1 | N | checkbox | 1, A.(1) Delusions | 2, A.(2) Hallucinations | 3, A.(3) Disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence) | 4, A.(4) Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior | 5, A.(5) Negative symptoms, i.e., affective flattening, alogia, or avolition | 6, B. During the same period of illness, there have been delusions or hallucinations for at least two week in the absence o prominent mood symptoms. | 7, C. Symptoms that meet criteria for a mood episode are present for a substantial portion of the total duration of the active and residual periods of the illness. | 8, D. Not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medication condition. | - | - | |
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR HYPOMANIC EPISODE | mh_diag_2 | N | checkbox | 1, A. A distinct period of persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting throughout at least four days, that is clearly different from the usual nondepressed mood. | 2, B.(1) Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity | 3, B.(2) Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only three hours of sleep) | 4, B.(3) More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking | 5, B.(4) Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing | 6, B.(5) Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) | 7, B.(6) Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation | 8, B.(7) Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., the person engages in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments) | 9, C. The episode is associated with an unequivocal change in functioning that in uncharacteristic of the person when not symptomatic. | 10, D. The disturbance in mood and the change in functioning are observable by others. | 11, E. The episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning, or to necessitate hospitalization, and there are not psychotic features. | 12, F. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance, (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) | - | - | |
2. Have you been feeling that way recently (i.e. during the past 30 days)? | mh_2 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
2a. If yes: How long have you felt this way? | mh_2a_days | N | text | - | days | - | |
2a. If yes: How long have you felt this way? | mh_2a_weeks | N | text | - | weeks | - | |
3. Think about the most extreme period in your life when you were feeling unusually good, high, or irritable. When did it begin | mh_3_month | Y | text | - | - | - | |
3a. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Compute age | mh_3a | N | calc | rounddown( datediff([mh_3_month], [dg_dateofbirth], "y", "mdy"), 0 ) | - | - | |
3b. How long did that period last? | mh_3b_days | N | text | - | in Days | - | |
3b. How long did that period last? | mh_3b_weeks | N | text | - | in Weeks | - | |
4. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Is the most severe episode also the current episode? | mh_4 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
MOST SEVERE EPISODE | most_severe_episode | N | descriptive | - | - | - | |
5. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Specify and code whether subject's mood was | mh_5 | N | radio | 1, Irritable | 2, Elated/Expansive | 3, Both irritable and elated | - | - | |
6. Were you more active than usual sexually, socially, or at work, or were you physically restless? | mh_6 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
7. Were you more talkative than usual or did you feel pressure to keep on talking? | mh_7 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
8. Did your thoughts race or did you talk so fast that it was difficult for people to follow what you were saying? | mh_8 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
9. Did you feel you were a very important person, or that you had special powers, plans, talents or abilities? | mh_9 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
10. Did you need less sleep than usual? | mh_10 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
10a. How many hours of sleep did you get per night? | mh_10a | N | text | - | - | - | |
10b. How many hours of sleep do you usually get per night? | mh_10b | N | text | - | - | - | |
11. Did you have more trouble than usual concentrating because your attention kept jumping from one thing to another? | mh_11 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
12. Did you do anything that could have gotten you into trouble like buying things, make business investments, have sexual indiscretions, drive recklessly? | mh_12 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_12_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
13. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Enter number of boxes with YES responses in questions 6-12 | mh_13 | N | text | - | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: If only one or none, skip to Dysthymia / Cyclothymia <i style="background-color:red">(Skip condition no longer valid as this form has been deleted)</i> | mh_desc1 | N | descriptive | - | - | - | |
13a. During this episode was there at least a week when these symptoms were present most of the time? | mh_13a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
14. Would you say your behavior was provocative, obnoxious, arrogant, or manipulative enough to cause problems for your family, friends or co-workers? | mh_14 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_14_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
15. Were you so excited that it was almost impossible to hold a conversation with you? | mh_15 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
16. During this episode, did you have beliefs or ideas that you later found out were not true? | mh_16 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: If delusions were suspected, probe further to determine the content and whether the beliefs were held with certainty.Code on the basis of this information and describe below | interviewer_if_delusions_w | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
16.1. If yes: Were you convinced of these beliefs at the time? | mh_16_1 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
16a. Did these beliefs occur either just before this episode or after it cleared | mh_16a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
16b. If yes: How long were they present before the episode began? | mh_16b | N | text | - | Days | - | |
16c. If yes: How long did they last after your mood returned to normal? | mh_16c | N | text | - | Days | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Does this total more than 14 days? | mh_16d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
17. Did you hear things that other people could not see or hear? | mh_17 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify | mh_17_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
17.1. If yes: Were you using any street drugs at the time that you experienced these? | mh_17_1 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>S: List the drugs used and describe the frequency of use and doses, if possible What were they? | what_were_they | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
17.2a. from within your head | mh_17_2a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
17.2b. from outside your head | mh_17_2b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
17.2c.from some particular place outside your head | mh_17_2c | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
17.2d. Were these voices definitely different from your own thoughts? | mh_17_2d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes to question 17: 17a. Did these experiences occur either just before this episode or after it cleared? | mh_17a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
17b. If yes: How long were they present before the episode began? | mh_17_b | N | text | - | Days | - | |
17c. If yes: How long did they last after your mood returned to normal? | mh_17c | N | text | - | in days | - | |
17d. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Does this total more than 14 days? | mh_17d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes to question 16 or 17: 18. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Did psychotic symptoms have content that was inconsistent with manic themes such as inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a deity or a famous person? | mh_18 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
18a. If yes: <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Was the subject preoccupied with psychotic symptoms to the exclusion of other symptoms or concerns? | mh_18a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
19. Did you seek or receive help from a doctor or other professionals? | mh_19 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
20. Were you prescribed a medication or was there a change in your dosage? | mh_20 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_20_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
21. During this episode, were you admitted to the hospital (including day hospital)? | mh_21 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
21a. If yes: For how long (inpatient)? | mh_21_a | N | text | - | Days | - | |
21b. If yes: For how long (day hospital)? | mh_21_b | N | text | - | Days | - | |
22. Did you receive ECT (shock treatments)? | mh_22 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: If the patient was hospitalized two days or more, had ECT, or had psychotic symptoms, skip to question 25 and code incapacitation | mh_desc2 | N | descriptive | - | - | - | |
23. Was your major responsibility during this episode job, home, school or something else | mh_23 | N | radio | 1, Job | 2, Home | 3, School | 4, Other | - | - | |
If other: Specify | mh_23_a | Y | text | - | - | - | |
24. Was your functioning (in this role) affected? | mh_24 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_24_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
24a. Did something negative happen as a result of this (such as marital separation, absence from work or school, loss of a job, or lower grades)? | mh_24_a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes:Specify: | mh_24_a_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
24b. Did someone notice a change in your functioning? | mh_24_b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
25. Code based on answers to questions 15-24 Modified RDC Impairment: Decreased functioning not severe enough to meet incapacitation Modified RDC Incapacitation: Includes complete inability to carry out principal role at home, school or work for 2 days in a row OR Hospitailization for 2 days OR ECT treatment OR Complete inability to carry on a conversation | mh_25 | N | radio | 0, No change | 1, Impairment | 2, Incapacitation | 3, Improvement | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
Improvement in function. Specify: | mf_25_spec | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
RDC Impairment 26. If no change or improvement in question 25: Was your functioning in any other area of your life affected or did you get into trouble in any way? | mh_26 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify | mh_26_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
27. Did this episode occur during or shortly after a serious physical illness? | mh_27 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify | mh_27_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
28. Did this episode begin shortly after you started using decongestants, steroids or some other medications? | mh_28 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify medications | mh_28a | Y | text | - | - | - | |
29. Did this episode begin shortly after you began taking antidepressants, shortly after you started a couse of ECT, or after beginning a couse of light therapy? | mh_29 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_29_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
30. Were you using cocaine or other street drugs or were you drinking more than usual just before this episode began? | mh_30 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
Cocaine? | cocaine | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_30_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
Other street drugs? | other_street_drugs | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_30b_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
Increased use of alcohol? | increased_use_of_alcohol | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_30_c | Y | text | - | - | - | |
31. During this episode did you have a week or more during which your mood frequently changed between irritability or elation and sadness or depression? | mh_31 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a1. Diminished desire for food, or marked overeating | diminished_desire_for_food | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a2. Inability to sleep when sleep was desired, or excessive sleep | inability_to_sleep_when_sl | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a3. Feeling slowed down | feeling_slowed_down | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a4. Having fatigue or loss of energy | having_fatigue_or_loss_of | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a5. Losing interest in pleasurable activities? | losing_interest_in_pleasur | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a6. Feeling guilty or worthless | feeling_guilty_or_worthles | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a7. Being unable to think or retain written information | being_unable_to_think_or_r | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a8. Feeling suicidal or thinking a lot about death | feeling_suicidal_or_thinki | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
31a9. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Enter number of Yes responses in 31.a.1-8 If total less than 4, skip to question 32 | mh_31_a_9 | N | text | - | - | - | |
31a.10. How long were these symptoms present? | mh_31_10_days | N | text | - | Days | - | |
31a.10. How long were these symptoms present? | mh_31_10_weeks | N | text | - | Weeks | - | |
31b. How many episodes like this have you had? | mh_31_b | N | text | - | - | - | |
32. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Refer to the instructions below and indicate here whether a second episode of mania/hypomania will be rated IF NO, SKIP to Q.60 | mh_32 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
Another episode of mania SHOULD be rated if there is a Current Episode that was not coded under Most Severe OR the Most Severe episode was mixed, related to an organic factor or to antidepressant treatment, or in any way questionable, atypical, or marginal. Based on the overview or additional probing, identify the most severe episode that the subject remembers well. Briefly describe how the other episode was selected | mh_32_specify | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
32a. Is the selected episode also a current episode (in the past 30 days) | mh_32_a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
When did it begin | mh_32b_year | Y | text | - | - | - | |
32c. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Compute age | mh_32c | N | calc | rounddown(datediff([dg_dateofbirth], [mh_32b_year], 'y','mdy'),0) | - | - | |
32d. How long did that period last? | mh_32d_days | N | text | - | in Days | - | |
32d. How long did that period last? | mh_32d_weeks | N | text | - | in Weeks | - | |
33. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Specify and code whether subject's mood was | mh_33 | N | radio | 1, Irritable | 2, Elated/Expansive | 3, Both irritable and elated | - | - | |
34. Were you more active than usual sexually, socially, or at work, or were you physically restless? | mh_34 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
35. Were you more talkative than usual or did you feel pressure to keep on talking? | mh_35 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
36. Did your thoughts race or did you talk so fast that it was difficult for people to follow what you were saying? | mh_36 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
37. Did you feel you were a very important person, or that you had special powers, plans, talents or abilities? | mh_37 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
38. Did you need less sleep than usual? | mh_38 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
38a. How many hours of sleep did you get per night? | mh_38a | N | text | - | - | - | |
38b. How many hours of sleep do you usually get per night? | mh_38b | N | text | - | - | - | |
39. Did you have more trouble than usual concentrating because your attention kept jumping from one thing to another? | mh_39 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
40. Did you do anything that could have gotten you into trouble like buying things, make business investments, have sexual indiscretions, drive recklessly? | mh_40 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_40_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
41. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Enter number of boxes with YES responses in questions 6-12 | mh_41 | N | text | - | - | - | |
41a. During this episode was there at least a week when these symptoms were present most of the timw? | mh_41a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
42. Would you say your behavior was provocative, obnoxious, arrogant, or manipulative enough to cause problems for your family, friends or co-workers? | mh_42 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_42spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
43. Were you so excited that it was almost impossible to hold a conversation with you? | mh_43 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
44. During this episode, did you have beliefs or ideas that you later found out were not true? | mh_44 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: If delusions were suspected, probe further to determine the content and whether the beliefs were held with certainty.Code on the basis of this information and describe below | mh_44_interviewer | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
44.1. If yes: Were you convinced of these beliefs at the time? | mh_44_1 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
44a. Did these beliefs occur either just before this episode or after it cleared | mh_44_a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
44b. If yes: How long were they present before the episode began? | mh_44_b | N | text | - | Days | - | |
44c. If yes: How long did they last after your mood returned to normal? | mh_44_c | N | text | - | Days | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Does this total more than 14 days? | mh_44d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
45. Did you hear things that other people could not see or hear? | mh_45 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify | mh_45_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
45.1. If yes: Were you using any street drugs at the time that you experienced these? | mh_45_1 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
What were they? | mh_45_1a | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
45.2a. from within your head | mh_45_2a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
45.2b. from outside your head | mh_45_2b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
45.2c. from some particular place outside your head | mh_45_2c | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
45.2d. Were these voices definitely different from your own thoughts? | mh_45_2d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
45a. If yes to question 44 or 45: Did these experiences occur either just before this episode or after it cleared? | mh_45_a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
45b. If yes: How long were they present before the episode began? | mh_45_b | N | text | - | Days | - | |
45c. If yes: How long did they last after your mood returned to normal? | mh_45_c | N | text | - | - | - | |
45d. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Does this total more than 14 days? | mh_45_d | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
46. If yes to question 44 or 45: <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Did psychotic symptoms have content that was inconsistent with manic themes such as inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a deity or a famous person? | mh_46 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Was the subject preoccupied with psychotic symptoms to the exclusion of other symptoms or concerns? | mh_46a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
47. Did you seek or receive help from a doctor or other professionals? | mh_47 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
48. Were you prescribed a medication or was there a change in your dosage? | mh_48 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_48_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
49. During this episode, were you admitted to the hospital (including day hospital)? | mh_49 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
49a. If yes: For how long (inpatient)? | mh_49_a | N | text | - | Days | - | |
49b. If yes: For how long (day hospital)? | mh_49_b | N | text | - | Days | - | |
50. Did you receive ECT (shock treatments)? | mh_50 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
<h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: If the patient was hospitalized two days or more, had ECT, or had psychotic symptoms, skip to question 53 and code incapacitation. | mh_desc3 | N | descriptive | - | - | - | |
51. Was your major responsibility during this episode job, home, school or something else | mh_51 | N | radio | 1, Job | 2, Home | 3, School | 4, Other | - | - | |
If other: Specify | mh_51_a | Y | text | - | - | - | |
52. Was your functioning (in this role) affected? | mh_52 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_52_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
52a. Did something negative happen as a result of this (such as marital separation, absence from work or school, loss of a job, or lower grades)? | mh_52_a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes:Specify: | mh_52_a_specify | N | text | - | - | - | |
52b. Did someone notice a change in your functioning? | mh_52_b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
53. Code based on answers to questions 43-52 Modified RDC Impairment: Decreased functioning not severe enough to meet incapacitation Modified RDC Incapacitation: Includes complete inability to carry out principal role at home, school or work for 2 days in a row OR Hospitalization for 2 days OR ECT treatment OR Presence of hallucinations or delusions OR Complete inability to carry on a conversation. | mh_53 | N | radio | 0, No change | 1, Impairment | 2, Incapacitation | 3, Improvement | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
Improvement in function. Specify: | mf_53_spec | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
54. RDC Impairment If no change or improvement in question 25: Was your functioning in any other area of your life affected or did you get into trouble in any way? | mh_54 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify | mh_54_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
55. Did this episode occur during or shortly after a serious physical illness? | mh_55 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: The following illnesses among others may be relevant: MS, HIV, Hyperthyroidism, Lupus, Cushing's Brain Tumors, Encephalitis | mh_55_spec | Y | text | - | - | - | |
56. Did this episode begin shortly after you started using decongestants, steroids or some other medications? | mh_56 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify medications NTERVIEWER: L-DOPA, among others, may be relevant. Antidepressants are not considered an organic precipitant for DSM-III-R and RDC | mh_56a | Y | text | - | - | - | |
57. Did this episode begin shortly after you began taking antidepressants, shortly after you started a couse of ECT, or after beginning a couse of light therapy? | mh_57 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_57_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
58. Were you using cocaine or other street drugs or were you drinking more than usual just before this episode began? | mh_58 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
Cocaine? | mh_58_a | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_58a_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
Other street drugs? | mh_58_b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_58_b_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
Increased use of alcohol? | mh_58_c | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
If yes: Specify: | mh_58_c_specify | Y | text | - | - | - | |
59. During this episode did you have a week or more during which your mood frequently changed between irritability or elation and sadness or depression? | mh_59 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
59a1. Diminished desire for food, or marked overeating | mh_59_a_1 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a2. Inability to sleep when sleep was desired, or excessive sleep | mh_59_a_2 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a3. Feeling slowed down | mh_59_a_3 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a4. Having fatigue or loss of energy | mh_59_a_4 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a5. Losing interest in pleasurable activities? | mh_59_a_5 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a6. Feeling guilty or worthless | mh_59_a_6 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a7. Being unable to think or retain written information | mh_59_a_7 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a8. Feeling suicidal or thinking a lot about death | mh_59_a_8 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Maybe | - | - | |
59a9. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Enter number of Yes responses in 59.a.1-8 If total is less than 4, skip to question 60 | mh_59_a_9 | N | text | - | - | - | |
59a10. How long were these symptoms present? | mh_59_a_10_days | N | text | - | Days | - | |
59a10. How long were these symptoms present? | mh_59_a_10_weeks | N | text | - | Weeks | - | |
59b. How many episodes like this have you had? <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Were the Most Severe Episode and/or Other Episode mixed episodes? If both were mixed, try to establish a non-mixed episode for which mania criteria were met, and recode Other Episode from question 32. | mh_59_b | N | text | - | - | - | |
60. <h6 style="background-color:#DA70D6">INTERVIEWER</h6>: Has there been at least one "clean" episode of mania/hypomania? A "clean" episode is one WITHOUT prior physical illness, drug or alcohol abuse, or organic precipitants | mh_60 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
61.a/b) Number of "clean" manias (include mixed periods): | mh_61ab | N | text | - | - | - | |
61c. Age at first "clean" manic periods | mh_61c | N | text | - | - | - | |
61d. Age at last "clean" manic periods | mh_61d | N | text | - | - | - | |
62.a/b) Number of "clean" hypomanias (include mixed periods) | mh_62ab | N | text | - | - | - | |
62c. Age at first "clean" hypomanic period | mh_62c | N | text | - | - | - | |
62d. Age at last "clean" hypomanic period | mh_62d | N | text | - | - | - | |
63.a/b) Number of "Unclean" manias (include mixed periods): | mh_63ab | N | text | - | - | - | |
63c. Age at first "unclean" manic periods | mh_63c | N | text | - | - | - | |
63d. Age at last "unclean" manic periods | mh_63d | N | text | - | - | - | |
64.a/b) Number of "unclean" hypomanias (include mixed periods): | mh_64ab | N | text | - | - | - | |
64c. Age at first "unclean" hypomanic period | mh_64c | N | text | - | - | - | |
64d. Age at last "unclean" hypomanic period | mh_64d | N | text | - | - | - | |
65. How many times were you hospitalized for an episode of mania (inpatient)? | mh_65 | N | text | - | Answer should align with the summary data showing in the question header. | - | |
65a. How many times were you hospitalized for an episode of mania (day hospital)? | mh_65a | N | text | - | Answer should align with the summary data showing in the question header. | - | |
66. Do your episodes tend to begin in any particular season? | mh_66 | N | checkbox | 0, No pattern | 1, Winter | 2, Spring | 3, Summer | 4, Fall | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
67. Think about your first manic episode.Did it begin with a period of time when you didn't sleep (or slept very little) for several nights | mh_67 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
67a. How many nights? | mh_67a | N | text | - | - | - | |
67b. How many hours did you sleep each night? | mh_67b | N | text | - | - | - | |
Site Optional 68. How about your recent manic episode? Did it begin with a period like that? | how_about_your_recent_mani | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
Site Optional 69. How about your most severe manic episode? Did it begin with a period like that? | how_about_your_most_severe | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
[If not clear]: 70. Did most of your manic episodes begin with a period of sleeplessness? | did_most_of_your_manic_epi | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
71. Have you ever switched back and forth quickly from feeling high to feeling normal, or from feeling high to feeling depressed without a normal mood in between? | mh_71 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
71a. If yes: Did this switch in your mood happen | mh_71a | N | radio | 1, every few hours | 2, every few days | 3, every few weeks | - | - | |
72. Have you ever had a year when you had several different manic, hypomanic, depressive, or mixed episodes? | mh_72 | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
72a. Altogether, how many different manic, hypomanic, depressive, or mixed episodes did you have during that year? | mh_72a | N | text | - | - | - | |
Describe | mh_72a_desc | Y | notes | - | - | - | |
(If subject describes multiple episodes of similar polarity) 72b. Are you sure you got better between episodes? | mh_72b | N | radio | 1, Yes | 0, No | 9, Unknown | - | - | |
72b1. For how long? | mh_72b1 | N | text | - | Weeks | - | |
Notes | maniahypomaniacsv_notes | Y | notes | - | - | - |