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PHI stands for "Protected Health Information" (Y = Yes, N = No)
Display Field Phi Field type Condition choices Field note Header
Entry Tech/Scorer Initials entrytechmetrics N text - - -
Score Date entrydatemetrics N text - - -
BP ID bpidmetrics N text - - -
ID idmetrics N text - BP ID + 00 + hyphenated# (e.g. 2345-4 --> 2345004) -
String ID stringidmetrics N text - 181 + BP ID + 00 + hyphenated# (e.g. 2345-4 --> 1812345004) -
Test Year testyrmetrics N dropdown 9, Baseline | 1, 1 Year | 5, 5 Year | 10, 10 Year - -
Test Date testdatemetrics N text - - -
FEPT Fear Accuracy nfearacc N text - - FEPT
FEPT Fear False Alarms nfearfas N text - - -
FEPT Fear d' score ndprimefear N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Correct Fear Responses ncorfearrt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for Correct Fear responses ncorfearsd N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Incorrect Fear Responses nincorfearrt N text - - -
FEPT Number of Incorrect Fear Responses nnincorfear N text - - -
FEPT Anger Accuracy nangeracc N text - - -
FEPT Anger False Alarms nangerfas N text - - -
FEPT Anger d' score nangerdprime N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Correct Anger Responses ncorrangerrt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for Correct Anger Responses ncorrangersd N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Incorrect Anger Responses nincorangerrt N text - - -
FEPT Number of Incorrect Anger Responses nincoranger N text - - -
FEPT Happy Accuracy nhappyacc N text - - -
FEPT Happy False Alarms nhappyfas N text - - -
FEPT Happy d' score nhappydprime N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Correct Happy Responses ncorhappyrt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for Correct Happy Responses ncorhappysd N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Incorrect Happy Responses nincorhappyrt N text - - -
FEPT Number of Incorrect Happy Responses nnincorhappy N text - - -
FEPT Sad Accuracy nsadacc N text - - -
FEPT Sad False Alarms nsadfas N text - - -
FEPT Sad d' score nsaddprime N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Correct Sad Responses ncorsadrt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for Correct Sad Responses ncorsadsd N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Mean for Incorrect Sad Responses nincorsadrt N text - - -
FEPT Number of Incorrect Sad Responses nnincorsad N text - - -
FEPT Number of Incorrect responses where there is no response? nnincorrectnoresp N text - - -
FEPT Face Accuracy score nfaceaccuracy N text - FEPT Total face accuracy score -
FEPT Total faces percent incorrect nfacepercinc N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time mean for All Faces responses nfaceallrt N text - FEPT Mean reaction time all faces -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for All Faces responses nfaceallsd N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time mean for All Correct Faces responses nfacesrtcorr N text - FEPT Mean reaction time all correct faces -
FEPT Reaction Time mean for All Correct Faces responses plus 400 milliseconds? nfacescorrecedrt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for All Correct Faces responses nfacessdcorr N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time mean for All Incorrect Faces responses nfacesrtincorr N text - - -
FEPT Reation Times for incorrect responses plus 400 miliseconds nfacesrtincorrcorrected N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time Standard Deviation for all Incorrect faces responses nfacesrtincorrsd N text - - -
FEPT Animal Accuracy score ncorr_anim N text - - -
FEPT Number of Correct Animal responses nanimalscorr N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time mean for Animals nanimalrt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for Animals nanimalsd N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as being a Negative emotion nnegneut N text - - -
FEPT Reaction Time mean for all Neutral faces nneut_rt N text - - -
FEPT Standard Deviation of the Reaction Time for all Neutral faces nneut_sd N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as being Fear nneutpercfear N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as being Anger nneutpercanger N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as being Happy nneutperchapp N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as being Sad nneutpercsad N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as No Response nneutpercnoresp N text - - -
FEPT Percentage of Neutral stimuli identified as Other (press wrong key, etc.) nneutpercother N text - - -
FEPT Number of Neutral faces identified as Fear (raw score) nneutfear N text - - -
FEPT Number of Neutral faces identified as Anger (raw score) nneutanger N text - - -
FEPT Number of Neutral faces identified as Happy (raw score) nneuthapp N text - - -
FEPT Number of Neutral faces identified as Sad (raw score) nneutsad N text - - -
FEPT Number of Neutral faces identified as No Response (raw score) nneutnoresp N text - - -
FEPT Number of Neutral faces identified as Other (press wrong key, etc.), (raw score) nneutother N text - - -
FEPT Number of Fear faces correctly identified as Fear (raw score) nfearasfear N text - - -
FEPT Number of Fear faces identified as Angry (raw score) nfearasangry N text - - -
FEPT Number of Fear faces identified as Happy (raw score) nfearashappy N text - - -
FEPT Number of Fear faces identified as Sad (raw score) nfearassad N text - - -
FEPT Number of Fear faces identifiesd as Other (raw score) nfearasother N text - - -
FEPT Number of Angry faces identified as Fear (raw score) nangryasfear N text - - -
FEPT Number of Angry faces correctly identified as Angry (raw score) nangryasangry N text - - -
FEPT Number of Angry faces identified as Happy (raw score) nangryashappy N text - - -
FEPT Number of Angry faces identified as Sad (raw score) nangryassad N text - - -
FEPT Number of Angry faces identified as Other (raw score) nangryasother N text - - -
FEPT Number of Happy faces identified as Fear (raw score) nhappyasfear N text - - -
FEPT Number of Happy faces identified as Angry (raw score) nhappyasangry N text - - -
FEPT Number of Happy faces correctly identified as Happy (raw score) nhappyashappy N text - - -
FEPT Number of Happy faces identified as Sad (raw score) nhappyassad N text - - -
FEPT Number of Happy faces identified as Other (raw score) nhappyasother N text - - -
FEPT Number of Sad faces identified as Fear (raw score) nsadasfear N text - - -
FEPT Number of Sad faces identified as Angry (raw score) nsadasanger N text - - -
FEPT Number of Sad faces identified as Happy (raw score) nsadashappy N text - - -
FEPT Number of Sad faces correctly identified as Sad (raw score) nsadassad N text - - -
FEPT Number of Sad faces identified as Other (raw score) nsadasother N text - - -
Reaction Time mean for the Level 1 Go Task npreprt N text - Mean reaction time Level 1 GNG
Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for the Level 1Go Task nprepsd N text - - -
Percent Correct Target Trials for the Level 1 Go Task npreppcr N text - Percent correct targets Level 1 GNG
Percent correct responses for the Go task (same as Prep_PCTT) ntarg N text - - -
Number of Commision errors for Level 1 Go Task nprepcomm N text - - -
Number of Omission errors for Level 1 Go Task nprepomm N text - - -
Reaction Time mean for the Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyrt N text - Mean reaction time Level 2 GNG
Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for the Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxysd N text - - -
Percent Correct Target Trials for the level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypctt N text - Percent correct targets Level 2 GNG
Percent Correct Inhibitory Trials for the Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypcit N text - - -
Reaction Time mean of Commision errors for Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxycommrt N text - - -
Standard Deviation of Reaction Time of Commision errors for Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxycommsd N text - - -
Number of Omission errors for Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyomm N text - - -
Number of Missed Opportunity errors for Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxymissopp N text - - -
Percent correct Actions overall (pro-rated combination of PCTT and PCIT) for Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nnxypcao N text - - -
Reaction Time mean for the Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzrt N text - Mean reaction time Level 3 GNG
Standard Deviation of Reaction Time for the Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzsd N text - - -
Percent Correct Target Trials for the level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpctt N text - Percent correct targets Level 3 GNG
Percent Correct Inhibitory Trials for the level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpcit N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 1 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre1corr N text - - -
Reaction Time mean of Commision errors for Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzcommrt N text - - -
placeholder for correct rejection, which by definition is no response, in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxycorrrejectnoresp N text - - -
Standard Deviation of Reaction Time of Commision errors for Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzcommsd N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the first target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost1corr N text - - -
Number of Omission errors for Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzomm N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the second target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost2corr N text - - -
Number of Missed Opportunity errors for Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzmissopps N text - - -
Percent correct Actions overall (pro-rated combination of PCTT and PCIT) for Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nnxyzpcao N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the third target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost3corr N text - - -
Number of Commission Errors for Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) ncountxyerr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fourth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost4corr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fifth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost5corr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target preceding the error trial by 2 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre2err N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target preceding the error trial by 1 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre1err N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 2 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre2distcorr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Error Trials in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyerr N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 1 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre1distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the first target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost1distcorr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 1 trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost1err N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the second target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost2distcorr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 2 trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost2err N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the third target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost3distcorr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 3 trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost3err N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fourth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost4distcorr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 4 trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost4err N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fifth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost5distcorr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 5 trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost5err N text - - -
Correlation between XY_Post1DistErr and XY_PostErrRTcost1 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyposterr1corrdist N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the error trial by 2 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre2disterr N text - - -
Correlation between XY_Post2DistErr and XY_PostErrRTcost2 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyposterr2corrdist N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the error trial by 1 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre1disterr N text - - -
Number of Commission Errors for Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) ncountxyzerr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the first target after the error trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost1disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the second target after the error trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost2disterr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target preceding the error trial by 2 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre2err N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the third target after the error trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task(XY) nxypost3disterr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target preceding the error trial by 1 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre1err N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the fourth target after the error trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost4disterr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Error Trials in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzerr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the fifth target after the error trial in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypost5disterr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 1 trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost1err N text - - -
The mean difference, in milliseconds, between XYPost1Error and XYError in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyposterrrtcost1 N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 2 trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost2err N text - - -
The mean difference, in milliseconds, between XYPost2Error and XYError in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxyposterrrtcost2 N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 3 trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost3err N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 2 in Level 2 Go/No-go task (XY) nxypre2corr N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 4 trial inLevel 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost4err N text - - -
Mean Reaction Time for Target following the error by 5 trial inLevel 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost5err N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the error trial by 2 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre2disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the error trial by 1 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre1disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the first target after the error trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost1disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the second target after the error trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost2disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the third target after the error trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost3disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the fourth target after the error trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost4disterr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the error trial and the fifth target after the error trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost5disterr N text - - -
The mean difference, in milliseconds, between XYPost1Error and XYError in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzposterrrtcost1 N text - - -
The mean difference, in milliseconds, between XYPost2Error and XYError in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzposterrrtcost2 N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 2 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre2corr N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 1 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre1corr N text - - -
placeholder for correct rejection, which by definition is no response, in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzcorrrejectnoresp N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the first target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost1corr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the second target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost2corr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the third target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost3corr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fourth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost4corr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fifth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost5corr N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 2 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre2distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items between the target preceeding the correct rejection trial by 1 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpre1distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the first target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost1distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the second target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost2distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the third target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost3distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fourth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost4distcorr N text - - -
The mean number of items (Letters) between the correct rejection trial and the fifth target after the correct rejection trial in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzpost5distcorr N text - - -
Correlation between XY_Post1DistErr and XY_PostErrRTcost1 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzposterr1corrdist N text - - -
Correlation between XY_Post2DistErr and XY_PostErrRTcost2 in Level 3 Go/No-go task (XYZ) nxyzposterr2corrdist N text - - -
Mean Percent Correct Target Trials for Levels 1, 2, 3 Go/No-go task mnpgngpctt N calc ([npreppcr] + [nxypctt] + [nxyzpctt])/3 Mean percent correct target for Levels 1, 2, 3 GNG
Mean Percent Correct Inhibitory Trial for Level 2, 3 Go/N-go task mnpgngpcit N calc ([nxypcit] + [nxyzpcit])/2 Mean correct inhibitory trials for level 1, 2, 3 GNG
Mean Reaction Time for Level 1, 2, 3 Go/No-go task mnpgngrt N calc ([npreprt] + [nxyrt] + [nxyzrt])/3 Mean reaction time for level 1, 2, 3 GNG
Synonyms Total Correct nsyncorr N text - - Synonyms
Synonyms Percent nsynpc N text - - -
Synonyms Estimated Verbal IQ nshipestiq N text - - -
