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PHI stands for "Protected Health Information" (Y = Yes, N = No)
Display Field Phi Field type Condition choices Field note Header
1. In general, would you say your health is: rand36_1 N radio 100, 1 Excellent | 75, 2 Very good | 50, 3 Good | 25, 4 Fair | 0, 5 Poor - -
2. Compared to one year ago, how would your rate your health in general now? rand36_2 N radio 100, 1 Much better now than one year ago | 75, 2 Somewhat better now than one year ago | 50, 3 About the same | 25, 4 Somewhat worse now than one year ago | 0, 5 Much worse now than one year ago - -
3a. Vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports rand36_3 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - 3. The following items are about activities you might do during a typical day. Does your health now limit you in these activities? If so, how much? (Choose one answer for each question.)
3b. Moderate activities, such as moving a table, pushing a vacuum cleaner, bowling, or playing golf rand36_4 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3c. Lifting or carrying groceries rand36_5 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3d. Climbing several flights of stairs rand36_6 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3e. Climbing one flight of stairs rand36_7 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3f. Bending, kneeling, or stooping rand36_8 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3g. Walking more than a mile rand36_9 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3h. Walking several blocks rand36_10 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3i. Walking one block rand36_11 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
3j. Bathing or dressing yourself rand36_12 N radio 0, 1 Yes, limited a lot | 50, 2 Yes, limited a little | 100, 3 No, not limited at all - -
4a. Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities rand36_13 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - 4. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of your physical health? (Choose one answer for each question.)
4b. Accomplished less than you would like rand36_14 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - -
4c. Were limited in the kind of work or other activities rand36_15 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - -
4d. Had difficulty performing the work or other activities (for example, it took extra effort) rand36_16 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - -
5a. Cut down the amount of time you spent on work or other activities rand36_17 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - 5. During the past 4 weeks, have you had any of the following problems with your work or other regular daily activities as a result of any emotional problems (such as feeling depressed or anxious)? (Choose one answer for each question.)
5b. Accomplished less than you would like rand36_18 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - -
5c. Didn't do work or other activities as carefully as usual rand36_19 N radio 0, 1 Yes | 100, 2 No - -
6. During the past 4 weeks, to what extent has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your normal social activities with family, friends, neighbors, or groups? (Choose one answer.) rand36_20 N radio 100, 1 Not at all | 75, 2 Slightly | 50, 3 Moderately | 25, 4 Quite a bit | 0, 5 Extremely - -
7. How much bodily pain have you had during the past 4 weeks? (Choose one answer.) rand36_21 N radio 100, 1 None | 80, 2 Very mild | 60, 3 Mild | 40, 4 Moderate | 20, 5 Severe | 0, 6 Very severe - -
8. During the past 4 weeks, how much did pain interfere with your normal work (including both work outside the home and housework)? (Choose one answer.) rand36_22 N radio 100, 1 Not at all | 75, 2 A little bit | 50, 3 Moderately | 25, 4 Quite a bit | 0, 5 Extremely - -
9a. Did you feel full of life? rand36_23 N radio 100, 1 All of the time | 80, 2 Most of the time | 60, 3 A good bit of the time | 40, 4 Some of the time | 20, 5 A little of the time | 0, 6 None of the time - 9. These questions are about how you feel and how things have been with you during the past 4 weeks. For each question, please give the one answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling._x000D_ _x000D_ How much of the time during the past 4 weeks . . .(Choose one answer for each question.)
9b. Have you been a very nervous person? rand36_24 N radio 0, 1 All of the time | 20, 2 Most of the time | 40, 3 A good bit of the time | 60, 4 Some of the time | 80, 5 A little of the time | 100, 6 None of the time - -
9c. Have you felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer you up? rand36_25 N radio 0, 1 All of the time | 20, 2 Most of the time | 40, 3 A good bit of the time | 60, 4 Some of the time | 80, 5 A little of the time | 100, 6 None of the time - -
9d. Have you felt calm and peaceful? rand36_26 N radio 100, 1 All of the time | 80, 2 Most of the time | 60, 3 A good bit of the time | 40, 4 Some of the time | 20, 5 A little of the time | 0, 6 None of the time - -
9e. Did you have a lot of energy? rand36_27 N radio 100, 1 All of the time | 80, 2 Most of the time | 60, 3 A good bit of the time | 40, 4 Some of the time | 20, 5 A little of the time | 0, 6 None of the time - -
9f. Have you felt downhearted and blue? rand36_28 N radio 0, 1 All of the time | 20, 2 Most of the time | 40, 3 A good bit of the time | 60, 4 Some of the time | 80, 5 A little of the time | 100, 6 None of the time - -
9g. Did you feel worn out? rand36_29 N radio 0, 1 All of the time | 20, 2 Most of the time | 40, 3 A good bit of the time | 60, 4 Some of the time | 80, 5 A little of the time | 100, 6 None of the time - -
9h. Have you been a happy person? rand36_30 N radio 100, 1 All of the time | 80, 2 Most of the time | 60, 3 A good bit of the time | 40, 4 Some of the time | 20, 5 A little of the time | 0, 6 None of the time - -
9i. Did you feel tired? rand36_31 N radio 0, 1 All of the time | 20, 2 Most of the time | 40, 3 A good bit of the time | 60, 4 Some of the time | 80, 5 A little of the time | 100, 6 None of the time - -
10. During the past 4 weeks, how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activities (like visiting with friends, relatives, etc.)?_x000D_ _x000D_ (Choose one number) rand36_32 N radio 0, 1 All of the time | 25, 2 Most of the time | 50, 3 Some of the time | 75, 4 A little of the time | 100, 5 None of the time - -
11a. I seem to get sick a little easier than other people rand36_33 N radio 0, 1 Definitely true | 25, 2 Mostly true | 50, 3 Don't know | 75, 4 Mostly false | 100, 5 Definitely false - 11. How TRUE or FALSE is each of the following statements for you. _x000D_ _x000D_ (Choose one number for each question.)
11b. I am as healthy as anybody I know rand36_34 N radio 100, 1 Definitely true | 75, 2 Mostly true | 50, 3 Don't know | 25, 4 Mostly false | 0, 5 Definitely false - -
11c. I expect my health to get worse rand36_35 N radio 0, 1 Definitely true | 25, 2 Mostly true | 50, 3 Don't know | 75, 4 Mostly false | 100, 5 Definitely false - -
11d. My health is excellent rand36_36 N radio 100, 1 Definitely true | 75, 2 Mostly true | 50, 3 Don't know | 25, 4 Mostly false | 0, 5 Definitely false - -
Notes rand_36_item_sf_health_surveyform_notes Y notes - - -
