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PHI stands for "Protected Health Information" (Y = Yes, N = No)
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<h6 style="color:#8B0000">YMRS Score</h6> ymrs_score N calc sum ([ymrs_1] , [ymrs_2] ,[ymrs_3],[ymrs_4], [ymrs_5] ,[ymrs_6], [ymrs_7] , [ymrs_8], [ymrs_9],[ymrs_10], [ymrs_11]) Based on the questions that were answered -
<h6 style="color:#8B0000">YMRS: Count of questions that were unanswered</h6> ymrs_score_v3 N calc if ([ymrs_1]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_2]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_3]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_4]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_5]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_6]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_7]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_8]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_9]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_10]="" ,1,0)+ if ([ymrs_11]="" ,1,0) - -
<u>1. Elevated Mood</u> <h6> 0, Absent 1- Mildly or possibly increased on questioning 2- Definite subjective elevation; optimistic, self-confident; cheerful; appropriate to content 3- Elevated, inappropriate to content; humorous 4- Euphoric; inappropriate to content; singing</h6> ymrs_1 N text - - -
<u>2. Increased Motor Activity - Energy</u> <h6> 0- Absent 1- Subjectively increased 2- Animated; gestures increased 3- Excessive energy; hyperactive at times; restless (can be calmed) 4- Motor excitement; continuous hyperactivity (cannot be calmed) ymrs_2 N text - - -
<u>3. Sexual Interest</u> <h6> 0- Normal; not interested 1- Mildly or possible increased 2- Definitive subjective increase on questioning 3- Spontaneous sexual content; elaborates on sexual matters; hypersexual by self-report 4- Overly sexual acts (towards patients, staff, or interviewer)</h6> ymrs_3 N text - - -
<u>4. Sleep</u> <h6> 0- Reports no decrease in sleep 1- Sleeping less than normal amount by upto one hour 2- Sleeping less than normal by more than one hour 3- Reports decreased need for sleep 4- Denies need for sleep</h6> ymrs_4 N text - - -
<u>5. Irritability</u> <h6> 0- Absent 2- Subjectively increased 4- Irritable at times during interview; recent episodes of anger or annoyance on ward 6- Frequently irritable during interview; short; curt; throughout 8- Hostile, uncooperative; interview impossible</h6> ymrs_5 N text - - -
<u>6. Speech (Rate and Amount)</u> <h6> 0- No increase 2- Feels talkative 4- Increased rate or amount at times, verbose at times 6- Push; consistently increased rate and amount; difficult to interrupt 8- Pressured, uninterruptible, continuous speech</h6> ymrs_6 N text - - -
<u>7. Language - Thought Disorder</u> <h6> 0- Absent 1- Circumstantial; mild distractibility; quick thoughts 2- Distractible; loses goal of thoughts; changes topic frequently; racing thoughts 3- Flights of ideas; tangentiality; difficult to follow; rythming; echolalia 4- Incoherent; communication impossible</h6> ymrs_7 N text - - -
<u>8. Content</u> <h6> 0- Normal 2- Questionable plans, new interests 4- Special project(s); hyperreligious 6- Grandiose or paranoid ideas; ideas of reference 8- Delusions; hallucination</h6> ymrs_8 N text - - -
<u>9. Disruptive - Aggressive Behavior</u> <h6> 0- Absent; cooperative 2- Sarcastic; loud at times; guarded 4- Demanding; threats on ward 6- Threatens interviewer; shouting; interview difficult 8- Assaultive, destructive; interview impossible</h6> ymrs_9 N text - - -
<u>10. Appearance</u> <h6> 0- Appropriate dress and grooming 1- Minimally unkempt 2- Poorly groomed; moderately disheveled; overdressed 3- Disheveled; partly clothed; garish makeup 4- Completely unkempt; decorated; bizarre garb</h6> ymrs_10 N text - - -
<u>11. Insight</u> <h6> 0- Present; admits illness; agrees with need for treatment 1- Possible ill 2- Admits behavior change, but denies illness 3- Admits possible change in behavior, but denies illness 4- Denies any behavior change</h6> ymrs_11 N text - - -
Note ymrs_note Y text - - -
